
Slowed close-ups of Coot and Kingfisher

The Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) is always alone, watch him in the company of fox

Two rival fishermen on the dock. Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

    This article from WWT Washington Wetlands is probably the best place locally to where I live in Tyne and Wear to see Kingfishers. During September Kingfishers are seen regularly every day at WWT Washington Wetlands in Tyne and Wear and the Saline Lagoon Hide. Often with young Kingfishers are seen every day every year in September. After September Kingfishers can be seen regularly as well although not all day as they are through September. From April onwards far less seen from that. So know one needs to pay a lot of money to see Kingfishers at private hides right now, anyone living near to WWT Washington Wetlands are guaranteed through September to have a 90% chance of seeing Kingfishers from the Saline Lagoon Hide close up standing on logs close up to the Saline Lagoon Hide. This article from WWT Washington Wetlands is not written by me.

