What camera hire gear to use?

Hi again.

I'm going to South Stack in the next 2 weeks and am considering hiring some gear for chough photography and other...

What would be advisable?

  • i've only been to South Stack a couple of times. The choughs can be close to the visitor centre, or away on the nearby hills.

    Depending on the camera you have, will depend on what lenses you require. I had a full frame DSLR and two lenses at the time, 25-105 and 100-400. The choughs were close to the car park and lane on that particular visit, so the 24-105 was good enough, but I've heard stories where they are a lot more distant.

    You might be still in time for the puffins, best photographed from the steps down to the lighthouse, there you will require a lens of upto 400mm.

    Bewarned, there is an abundance of guillemots and razorbills.



  • Do you already have a camera or are you going to hire everything? If you have no camera then hire a Canon R5 and a Canon 100-500mm lens and that should cover your needs but still be fairly portable to walk about with. You could add in a 1.4 TC for minimal cost. Wet do hire gear and can either deliver to you or you can arrange to collect from a local store (if you have one). If you hire for a Friday you get the whole Weeknd for the price of one day.