Wildlife Photography and camaras

Im going on Holiday on the 10th July and on Saturday me and Dad are going to be decideing what camara I’m gong to get  on Amazon to get it delivered in time for the holiday 

I still havnt decided on a model cause there’s so many and one model seems to have different say bursts per second, iso levels etc to another.

Iv used camaras since I was 12 so have lots of experience in photography but have never used DSLRs or Mirrorless camaras before so don’t know what there like in Wildlife Photography so I thought I’d ask what peoples experiences are in Wildlife Photography in DSLR and Mirrorless in both  full frame and crop factor Nikon and Canon camaras 

 What are anyones exspeariances with certain Canon and Nikon camaras in Wildlife Photography like  speed, burst rate, battery life and other important factors? 

  • Billysdad said:

    Glad you got sorted Zo. Try to get some practice in if you can then you're ready for your holls. Enjoy ...

    Thanks. Im going Home on Sunday and then going on holiday on Monday. The camara is at home waiting for me ready for holiday so I’m looking forward to it. 

  • The camara has a battery in it and it comes with a charger so I’m not sure weather i need to get more batterys or if it will be ok cause I have a charger or if it will be ok. I have spent lots of money already so would like to know if I will be ok battery wise since I have a charger? 

    i don’t know if anyone else knew this but I found  out you can get a waterproof case that you can use both in rain and under water which I thought would be useful when I go on holiday and go to the beach but it’s only waterproof up to 10 cm it wont come in time for holiday but will still be useful for when I go on holiday again 

  • Zo Clark said:

    The camara has a battery in it and it comes with a charger so I’m not sure weather i need to get more batterys or if it will be ok cause I have a charger or if it will be ok. I have spent lots of money already so would like to know if I will be ok battery wise since I have a charger? 

    i don’t know if anyone else knew this but I found  out you can get a waterproof case that you can use both in rain and under water which I thought would be useful when I go on holiday and go to the beach but it’s only waterproof up to 10 cm it wont come in time for holiday but will still be useful for when I go on holiday again 

    That's a hard question? I guess there is no information that gives you any idea of how many photos you can usually take before the battery needs to be replace ? Does the camera come with a manual as that usually gives you an idea of battery life? Also it depends on how old the battery is - these rechargeable batteries all suffer from loss of performance as they get older. If its not too expensive I would get an extra battery so that you don't run out of power at the wrong time. 

    I wouldn't get the waterproof case until you think you might find it useful - 10cm isn't really very deep - and save your money towards your next lens.

  • Bobs_Retired said:

    I guess there is no information that gives you any idea of how many photos you can usually take before the battery needs to be replace ?


    Does the camera come with a manual as that usually gives you an idea of battery life?

    Also it depends on how old the battery is - these rechargeable batteries all suffer from loss of performance as they get older. If its not too expensive I would get an extra battery so that you don't run out of power at the wrong time. 

    I wouldn't get the waterproof case until you think you might find it useful - 10cm isn't really very deep - and save your money towards your next lens.

    The battery is  LP - E17 

    still image shots CIPA Complient 

    approximately 295 shots 

    through an electronic viewfinder it would be approximately 295 aswell. 

    Number of still image shots in eco mode 425 

    movie recording approximately 85 minutes 

    Viewfinder: 85 minutes 

    and thd playback time of a slideshow is approximately 5 hours 

    the battery is Lithium ion and it’s rechargeable 

  • I normally find I get more shots than the official CIPA rating from a battery, but I'd still get a spare one if possible, it's very annoying running out of juice! Just be wary of cheap-as-chips eBay specials as they're likely of dubious quality. Stick to a known brand, they'll be more reliable and less likely to catch fire!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • I've found Duracell  to be good quality. Take lots of pictures and last for years .... Thumbsup

  • Ok. Il try to. I have been looking today cause it would need to come by tomorrow im having to check that cause I’m going on holiday on Monday. Im away for 6 or 7 days from Monday.

    but I’m struggling to find ones I’m familiar with most of them are ones Im not familiar with a lot of the reviews say the camara doesn’t recognise the batterys even though there compatible with the camara cause it doesn’t have canon on the side. Something to do with a chip.
    Iv tryed looking for brands im familiar with but it only comes up with ones that don’t support the type of battery I need so not doing very well at the moment

  • Iv found some and sent the link to Dad saying I need to take some spare batteries but Dad says I don’t need spare batterys cause I got a charger 

  • Unknown said:
    I normally find I get more shots than the official CIPA rating from a battery, but I'd still get a spare one if possible, it's very annoying running out of juice! Just be wary of cheap-as-chips eBay specials as they're likely of dubious quality. Stick to a known brand, they'll be more reliable and less likely to catch fire!

    Thanks for the advice.  I’m afraid I won’t be able to get spare battery’s I will have to get those another time aswell as the lenses and il just have to hope I don’t end up needing a spare one when I’m on holiday 

    update: dad has decided to get them anyway if they arrive tomarow which hopefully they do then I will have some spare batterys in case I need them 

  • I forgot to leave an update for the thread before next year starts. I have got the 2 batterys iv mentioned. and i managed to use them. I have gone on holiday a few times since my comment and went on trips. the m6 camara is good and its good at tracking fast moving objects and Iv managed to get lots of good photos.  I have been useing the 45 cm lens and iv found it is ok and you can take pictures of other Wildlife aswell as birds but you wont be able to get a proper close up you will mainly have to crop the photo. before I was going to get a lens for insects before the long lense for birds but I changed my mind and me and Mum looked for a telescope lens for Christmas and Birthday