Frocester Hill, Gloucestershire

  • I havnt been to Frocester hill for a month cause I mainly visited the Brook in May but after I got my device out and started taking photos I was greeted by swallows some they have returned to breed again. The kestrel they said is nesting in the barn down a long path there they say they have spotted it a couple of times now when they go there to do the horses.  I don’t know if it is one or not for sure cause unlike them I havnt seen it so can’t say it is one nesting there for sure since I haven’t seen any photos from them.  

    they have a big box on the wall in that  barn where they have had a barn owl nest there before And the person that said there was a kestrel  nesting there knows there birds so would know if it was a kestrel or not and there convinced it is so even though I’m uncertain if it is or not it might be or it might not be. there is one in that area that visits Coaly peak so there (is) one that hunts  in that area but only ever seen it at Coaly peak. Other than that  there was lots of wildlife in the brambles and it was very warm and sunny