Both Buzzard and Red Kite pass over the garden on the same day

I saw a Buzzard then when it left I saw a Red Kite later on 

  • The Red Kite hasnt pass back over again yet The Buzzard came passed over the garden again 3 times the final time it set not just the gulls off but also a carrion crow. the final time I saw it it flew low 

  • See buzzards quite regular here. Not seen a red kite yet, though have seen reports that they have moved into my part of the South West. Good spot Zo.
  • thanks. I find I get Buzzards more than Red Kites iv seen one pass over before but that was a few years ago so it’s been some time since Iv had one pass over again I most commonly chance on them occasionally on the way past Highfield Garden world or near Haresfield  and even more commonly near Reading. But I do get Red Kites pass over the garden some years some years I also get a Kestrel on the Roundabout near ASDA.

    The last time I saw one there was in 2019 and I havnt seen one there since until recently last week. Usually if I want a chance of seeing one I need to go to Coaly Peak but even then you see Buzzards far more often. Kestrels are in decline in my area but Buzzards and Red Kites are doing well.

    I havnt seen a Red Kite pass over the garden for some time now until now It eventually came down low as high as the window in the kitchen not far from the ground so I got a good view but my camera decided it didn’t want to co operate as soon as it got that low. It was very big it was completely red on its back and it looked like it had some gray on its head and it’s tail was big and it was very forked after it swooped upwards and pass the house and out of the garden