A Special Day

Myself and Mike had a drive out to another nature reserve that we had not been to before, how glad we were to discover this fabulous Gem of a place. The first hide we went into we were told you have come at the right time as we were to discover.

What a beauty a lovely Kingfisher

He got his breakfast and was on his way

A grey heron looking for his breakfast too.

This Chaffinch was happy just singing his heart out

A green veined white butterfly

This Damsel Fly was shouting at me to take its Photo.

High up in the sky a Buzzard overhead.

A Holly Blue Butterfly 

A Little Egret decided to reach for the sky

A Mayfly decided he wanted a change of scenery and ended up in the hide with us

Mr and Mrs Gadwall enjoying the sunshine and hoping for a picnic.

A Common Tern and a Ringed Plover

Oyster Catcher


A lovely Song thrush

A Mute Swan with its cygnets

Grey Heron

Canada Geese with there Goslings

Hiding in the woods a Roe deer

Thats what he thought of me.

A pheasant as we walked back to the car after a brilliant day