Another Fabulous day at St Aidans Nature reserve 18th May 2023

Reed Bunting first of the day.

Common Tern

Starting  a new nest.

A lovely Great Crested Grebe

Coot with her chicks


Mute swan

Black necked Grebe

This time with chicks

Reed Bunting

Black necked grebe with chicks


Sedge Warbler

Meadow Pipit

Sedge Warbler

Looks like another sedge warbler, correct me if I am wrong ?

Black winged Stilt Not seen one of these before. It was a long way away.


Greylag Goose with chicks


Reed Bunting 

Meadow Pippit

Meadow Pippit

Black necked chicks

Thats them all for today, I hope you like them

  • Still racking up the new sightings then ILR? lol Not seen a Stilt either. Love the peek-a-boo grebe chicks :o)

    Thanks for sharing your fab day out!
  • Thanks for viewing PB, yes it was nice to see the black winged stilt although it was a long way away and It was only when I got home to download the photos that I actually found that I had got a photo of it. St Aidans is a great place to visit there is always something new to photograph. It was nice to see the black necked grebes and their chicks so close for a change.
    I saw my first dragonfly of the year yesterday as well but not to photograph I think it had other things on its mind and kept flying. There were loads of reed buntings about and all posing in the trees and reeds for everybody to photograph. The sedge warbler was very accommodating again and posed for its photograph for us. Not forgetting the meadow pipit, a lovely bird. Glad you liked them PB
  • Lots of activity on the reserve ILR. I like the Black Necked Grebe with chicks and that Black Winged Stilt, both impressive looking birds:)
  • Thank you SM yes it was great to see the black necked grebes with their chicks, and another new bird for me the Black winged stilt. I was just pleased I got a photo of it as it was a long way away. Glad you liked them SM.
  • Sorry just catching up ILR..(was having problems with the formatting wasn't working..couldn't even start a new post)

    Omg them Black necked Grebe chicks are scary looking lol
    Oh and now a stilt to add to your list of 1sts..Will soon need a new note book at this rate lol

    Looked like you had an amazing day out with plenty to see.

    Thanks for sharing ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • You don’t have to be sorry Linda, you are always busy but it’s nice of you to reply to my post, The black neck grebes chicks look like aliens don’t you think ? But I Love them. They came really close to us and I took loads of photos of them far too many to post on here. The black winged stilt was a long way away and I just hoped for the best to get an Image of it, It was only when I down loaded the SD card on the PC that I had Indeed got a photo, not a great Image but at least you can recognise it.
    St Aidans has been a great place to visit of late with plenty to see. I got sunburnt on my walk round, I didn’t think it was that warm. Sun cream in car now. Thanks Linda glad you liked them.