A day split between RSPB Fairburn Ings and RSPB St Aidans on a gorgeous sunny day. 7th May 2023.

Reed Bunting


Pheasant with canada goose trying to get in the act

Little Egret


Grey Heron Flying over.

Canada Goose chick

Gadwall Duck

Back at St Aidans and the Little Owl keeping a look out beneeth the railway sleepers.

Oyster Catcher plus Great crested Grebe and some Tufted ducks

Black necked Grebes on the other side of wire fence.

Reed Bunting I saw lots of these through the day.

Sedge Warbler, another first for me not seen one before.

Orange Tip Butterfly If you enlarge the photo you will notice a large spider on the reed stem and a second orange tip below the top one


Reed Bunting

Canada Geese and Chicks

Greylag Goose and chicks

Reed Bunting


Reed Bunting

Sedge Warbler

Orange Tip Butterfly

Reed Bunting


Reed Bunting

Sedge Warbler

Orange Tip Butterfly

Canada Geese and chicks

Reed Bunting

Sedge Warbler

Thats them all for today hope you liked them ?

  • Wow - that is a super collection. Thanks for sharing the photos.
  • Thank you DB glad you liked them, it was a great day, the weather was warm and sunny and the birds were obliging and I had never seen a Sedge warbler before so another first for me, that’s eight over April and May so really Happy.
  • Just showing off now ILR with 2 reserves in 1 day and another 1st!! grrr lol we have grasshopper warblers at our local but don't really fancy a game of hide n seek with them lol
    You certainly had plenty to photograph on you great day out...thanks for sharing ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Lol Linda did you manage to get a photo of the night heron ? Yes it was a great day we went to Fairburn to see if the sand martins had arrived but they hadn’t but we did see the pheasant and the little egret and the pochard and the Canada goose with chicks and the heron flew over as well. We then went to St Aidans a ten minute drive and the first bird we saw was the little Owl and then the sedge warbler, there were loads of male and female reed buntings about it was just a fabulous day and St Aidans just gets better and better. I have never seen a grasshopper warbler before so get yourself down there and get a photo of one that’s your mission for the rest of the week Lol. Pleased you liked them Linda.
  • Did I hell lol...once I retire in 100 years time ILR I can go birdwatching every day lol
    Yes I agree that St Aidans has been very good to you!
    I tempted fate and put washing out today...what a stupid idea that was lol...Next dry day Friday a think so perhaps get out then for an hour or so...I would go to St Aidans everyday just to watch the wee owl if it were close to me lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Lol Linda, you would have to find the Little Owl first, it’s very good at hiding, I only spotted it when someone pointed it out to me hiding within one of the railway sleepers, one of its best hiding places. It was forecast rain here today earlier in the week and it’s been a lovely sunny day today. Not been anywhere today but going on Thursday as the forecast looks good.
    I have just posted some photos my daughter took today at Nostell priory a National trust site. Called Ptoud Pen with Cygnets.
    Hope the weather improves for you Linda. In a hundred years time can I come to your retirement party, Lol
  • Love the selection of photos particularly the little owl
  • Glad you liked the photos June, and thank you for your feedback.
  • Great selection ILR, I liked the Reed Bunting (2nd from last photo) and of course the Little Owl (never seen one...).
  • Thank you SM yes the little owl is a star and is always great to see, glad you liked them