My holiday to Dorset the beach

Mum picked me up at 10:30 in the morning and went to Barnwood arboretum

and then came back home and got got up  on Saturday we went to Dorset 

When we got there we went to see a family member and then went for a walk across the beach after lunch 

then we went to the hotel the next day we will be going to 2 reserves but I was very exited about the second one cause they have dartford warblers and the rare sand lizard and sika deer trip 2 and 3 will be in part 2 stay tuned 

Update: link to the next place on holiday

  • It sounds like you are going to visit RSPB Arne, enjoy it, it's a lovely place with lots to see,

    Richard B

  • I went to the beach on Saturday then on Sunday I went to the 2 nature reserves so Iv already been it’s not RSPB Arne but it is not far cause It is Somewhere famous for a pool that changes colour cause of the sediments in the water aswell as well as the sand lizard dartford warblers and sika deer 

  • Blue Pool near Stoborough is a nice place to go. I hope the weather is better when you get there as the water can look really blue in the right light.

    Richard B

  • Yes it is Blue pool nature reserve was the last one I went to and Me and Dad enjoyed it even more than than the one before that. I went to 2 on the same day blue pool nature reserve was one of them even though the country park one was nice I prefered blue pool nature reserve there was more to see and one of My family that has a child was able to look out for animals cause they did a fairy and woodland trail. and I saw a lot more interesting things than the previous place even though the previous place was nice and had some interesting things there  and did things for Wildlife aswell and got lots of photos of some wildlife there aswell

  • 2 different venues and it sounds like you enjoyed both of them. Plenty to see and do at both, but Blue Pool is much more peaceful.

    Richard B