Another new nature reserve for me,

Spoonbill, not seen one before.

Photos not great but these were at least 300m away





Reed Bunting

House Martin


Whooper swan

Mute Swan

Lesser Black-Backed Gull

Nesting Coot and Grey wagtail

Thats all for today, Images not great but the majority were taken 

at long distance, still hope you liked them anyway.

  • Nice set ILR, well done with the swallow and martin... not seen a swallow yet this year, and only 2 martins, neither with camera to hand :o(
    Looks like you've acquired some avocet stalkers lol
    And congrats on your next 1st... that's 3 in a month isn't it? Top work!!

    Thanks for sharing
  • Great to see a Spoonbill ILR, I like that first photo with the feathers up over the head. Good to get all those birds in flight :)
  • Hi PB there was the Avocet, Night heron, the Brent geese, the Ruff, the house Martin and the spoonbill. All at three different reserves that’s six So I consider myself very lucky. The Avocet stalkers are joined by the shelducks too Lol, it must be the time of year. It was a dull day and the birds were a long way off but with a fair bit of cropping you could make out what the birds were. Glad you liked them PB
  • Thanks SM, I liked that photo too, I was chuffed to bits to see the Spoonbill having not seen one before, at least the branches from the trees didn’t hinder seeing what the bird was. Yes I was pleased to get the Avocets and the shelducks in flight, as well as the swallow and house Martins. I liked the swan sequence too. But I am biased Lol. All in all it was a good day and thank you SM for your kind comments.
  • Oh yet another new reserve! And a spoonbill just happens to be there for you as does the Avocet yet again..Swifts and swallows and everything you got to see on a gloomy day...Bird all hide up here on gloomy days....Keep up the good work..and look forward to your next venture out ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Linda always nice to get your feedback, when you get talking to other birders they usually tell you about reserves that they have visited and what they have seen there, and it’s good to try them for yourself to see if it’s a productive one to go to. On this occasion I googled reserves in South Yorkshire and this one came up and it wasn’t too far to travel.