Daniels Brook 25th April

I saw a Magpie on some construction jumping in and out 

and acting like it’s up to no good on it 

when I went past the park and went down the path on the outside of the Brook I saw 

Bulbous Buttercup (tall not short.  with sepals pointing downwards  aswell  

Just simply looking at the outside it looks almost identical to bulbous buttercup it is also tall like bulbous buttercup aswell but was slightly different  about this one so I had a closer look and  it was meadow buttercup  

Meadow buttercup

The rest of the buttercup includeing the leafs 

I also saw a worm on the way

So I moved it out the way so people don’t tread on it 

 I also saw a Sparrow on a tree then Starlings

I didn’t manage to get a photo of the house sparrow but I got a  Starling 

afterwards I saw some plants in the opening to the woodland part next to the brook but I didn’t go through there this time I carried on 

and saw lots of shrubs 

Then I saw something that looked abit like a honey bee at first while I was flying but as soon as it landed and rested I could see it properly 

it was another mining bee there’s lots of these at the brook and there particularly fond of the dandelions there sometimes they like to rest on shrubbery or even in long grass when resting though 


I hope you enjoyed the trip