Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone 

  • Happy Easter to you too Zo and to all others who visit the site. Anyone who has received too many Easter eggs please get in touch and I will help out ... Grin
  • Belated Easter wishes to you Zo also

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I will manage mine fine BD, thanks, a lovely Lindt white chocolate egg and truffles, yummmmy Egg

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks you two. Yes I thought it would be nice to wish everyone a happy Easter I hope everyone else has a happy Easter aswell. For me I was too focused on birds and other wildlife and also on my trip to slimbridge on good Friday and trip to Hucclecote and The field. and then wildlife I saw at the brook on Sunday. So I didn’t know Friday was going to be easter Friday on Friday and Easter Sunday on the Sunday I didn’t find out until Easter Friday and then I forgot cause I went to slimbridge. On Sunday I new it was Easter Sunday cause people were saying happy Easter and there was an Easter egg hunt but I still kept forgetting cause I was preoccupied with the animals iv seen Friday and Saturday and on Sunday at the brook aswell aswell as other things. So I kept having to remind myself. Then on easter Monday I was busy Wildlife gardening taking care of the wildflowers and wildflower seedlings my bird bath and insect shelters and stuff. When I was busy I kept getting random rain that only lasted 5 minutes while the sun was out blaring away it was like being in a tropical climate or something since it can rain a lot in tropical climates cause of humidity. It wasn’t as humid as a tropical climate but I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin while being rained on at the same time while I was watering  the wildflowers.  there was a rainbow and then later on another one cause there was sun and rain at the same time for some time. and birds were flying in front of it or perched in front of it so couldn’t resist taking some photos. Usually the Starlings like to be the star and turn up lined up on the roof and flying overhead when a rainbow appears but I guess nature decided to change things up abit this time. Nature timed the rainbow well since was Easter Monday. I hope everyone else enjoyed Easter too

  • Thought I’d say what I did at Easter first so now wondering how everyone elses went
  • I had a nice Easter Zo, thanks. We had a lovely Easter Sunday service. I work W/T/F so I had Mon and Tues to myself, thought Monday would be a manic day to go off for the day as the traffic would be very busy, so we went yesterday instead, very lucky weather wise only a few quick showers, lovely and sunny. Saw 2 groups of deer, with stags. Had a lovely chippy takeaway which we ate at a lovey wee harbour and saw around 50 cormorants on the pair and a seal in the water, I got a lovely Lindt white chocolate egg with truffles from hubby, so some treats in the evenings.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • That’s good. Yes That definitely sounds like a nice Easter.