Frocester Hill. House sparrows and nesting and The birth of a Robins

on the way there 

1 pheasant 

and a pilon bird 

plus Dafodills 

at the barn 

In the barn 

a man at the barn who works there said he wants to show us something since I’m interested in birds and led us to a hole in the 

wall he said a Robin had been nesting and has had some 

young and the lady next to me said you can see them through the wall if you look through with a torch and used a torch I told to leave it alone now.

But heres the hole. Theres Young Robins in there. 

after that he told us there’s another Robin who’s nesting and had young aswell and then he told us that they put up a barn owl box 

and a kestrel is nesting in one of the barns 

  • Yes I asked why there is a Magpie in the cage and also asked why they put food and drink in there. they told me that it would be cruel to keep it in there without food or water cause  they usually keep it in there for 15 minutes to half an hour. Occasionally an hour at the longest but usually less often an hour. The Magpie was stressed out so was panicy and  restless and couldnt stay still at all and it was hopping back and forth repeatedly  comfused and was calling sometimes. so it wasnt really interested in food or drinking water. But aparantly the lady that visits regularly said that it is something that they do on farmland sometimes if a bird is causeing trouble. And said they only put it in the cage on the occasion that the magpies  cause trouble  when there trying to do one of there jobs in the barn and let them out the cage after they have done the job 

  • Response no longer desired

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Yes  luckily   l havnt  seen it done there  again since and that was all the way back last year. People have there own horse there so they visit regularly to look after there horses in the stables. So they know what wildlife they get there. Aparantly the lady that comes with me put a trail cam up at night one year and  caught foxes rabbits and deer on the camara  aswell as other things aswell. For the day time Robins nesting isn’t a new thing but they now have 2 Robins nesting in the Barn not just one now but at a different part to that Robin. and interestingly when the lady that comes with me visits she puts feed out for one of the horses and the house sparrows dive strait for it whenever she puts it out for the horse she thinks they like eating the hay 

  • Should anyone like to talk about that further here is the link that was being referred to I don’t mind anyone discussing what happened last year on this thread but only this thread cause that thread is relevant

  • Please keep this thread about my day at frocester hill today and the wildlife iv seen I don’t want to be talking about things that arnt to do with when I went to frocester hill on the date of this thread with the sparrows and birth of robins and what not it will be nice to have a discussion about my day and the wildlife iv seen and keep things positive on this current thread. It rained but I didn’t let that stop enjoying my trip. I went in the barn watched some sparrows and found out robins have had some Young and there is now 2 Robins nesting not just one aswell which wasn’t the case originally 

  • There’s all sorts of nice wildlife there as abouve And there’s very nice and friendly people there depending on the time of year they get all sorts there right outside Coaly peak a AONB site so there’s a woodland right next to it which cars drive down to get to Coaly peak and to Frocester hill where the barn is underneath. they get a Robin follow them when there doing one of there jobs in the barn and other wildlife have nested in the barn there over the years not just Barn swallows cause theres more than one barn one on the actual hill itself where most of the stables are and one in the field where they keep other horses aswell.
  • I wanted a nice discussion about my day and have visited to see the barn swallows multiple times with in which one trip was very nice cause I saw some really nice insects on the flowers and I saw a buzzard too that day. It was nice watching the barn swallows fly around. as for this current thread I didn’t write everything I did that day wildlife wise so I would like to have a nice discussion about my day There just like everyone else usually does on there threads. It was a very nice day in spite of the weather and lots of nice things happened when I was there I didn’t just look at the sparrows.  i watched them for a long time and watched them dive down into the horse feed and didn’t just get  shown that they now have 2 Robins and have had young which was good news by the way and then just leave to go back either. so comments welcome

  • OK well I will delete my responses Zo then as obviously they are not what you wanted .
    No further replies will be made from me

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • No you don’t have to deleate your replys I just would like to also talk about nice things about my trip cause it wasn’t all bad it was actually a very nice trip

  • I don’t have a problom with you or your comments. And your comments were obviously also helpful too not just mine so deserve to stay but I added the link to the post discussed so people can discuss further what you brought up there from that one visit if they would like to.

    I just would like to now and talk about my day there cause it was a nice day that’s all basically