An afternoon at Kilnsea

A sparrow was there to meet me


Not seen one of these before, another bird to join the list.

A wigeon

Brent Goose

Another Wigeon

Brent geese in flight

I had never seen one before now I have seen loads of them.

Can you spot the shelduck ?

This is an odd ball, a hooded cormorant looking puffed out ?

Brent Geese at the far end of the bankside.

coming in to land

Landing gear down

Shelduck, amongst others.

A couple of Mute swans


Another Wigeon on his lonesome, everybody Awe

A nice mixture

Shelducks, brent geese, and a Avocet on the island, I think it is having a doze


A pied wagtail has come to say hello.

It would have been nice to see a grey, or Yellow wagtail as well or am I asking too much ?

Another Mute swan, looking Regal.

I know its another brent goose but he is lovely, dont you think ?

A bunch of friends having a chin wag.

Redshanks and a shoveler on the right of photo

A goldfinch looking very smart

Avocet. He has woken up at last.

Avocet with a few redshanks

Avocet with a lot of redshanks

He has come back

Thanks for viewing, that's it for today