I figured since I done one for any year
I would do one for this year for those that prefer year ones
just like Leafcutter bees and mining bees the Hairy footed flower bee are solitary bees aswell
if anyone manages to get photos of leafcutter bees or other solitary bees this year anyone can share there photos here aswell so if would like to share photos here aswell you can. It will be nice to see other peoples photos aswell
24th March.
mining bee
2nd April
Hairy footed flower bee
The Male doesn’t lay eggs but females do and The females of this species of wasp lay eggs in moth caterpillars and when they hatch the larvae feed on there hosts. They can be spotted in the summer on flowers and the adult wasps feed on nectar and pollen from them there stingless wasps so the wasps don’t have a sting and they use the colours to warn predators they dont taste nice but also to make them think there harmful even Though there not
Wednesday 9th August
Solitary wasp on a wildflower