Ladybird - Fangs!

I was surprised to be told that a ladybird can bite. Then I spotted this ladybird and look! A pair of fangs! 

  • Wild animals that do bite usually only bite if they feell threatened so no need to worry about that. I know they can secrete an unpleasant substance if they feell threatened.   Ladybeetles are usually harmless so are actually ok. Your a very good photographer do you take photos of all sorts of wildlife rather than say just birds or a different species specificaly? Im the same I’m interested in lots of differant types of wildlife so I take pictures of all sorts

  • I am a bird-watcher but also love photography, taking photos of birds in particular. Birds of prey are my favourite (like the peregrine, kestrel, buzzards, marsh harrier). However, I also love taking photos of flowers, small insects, squirrels etc and constantly challenging myself to take good photos.

    I am glad to see you are also interested in is an enjoyable hobby!