Solitary bees share your photos here

I went out looking for Butterflys and moths and couldn’t find any and I couldnt find any Bumblebees either.

but there’s lots of different types of wasps and Bees in the UK not just  just Bees like Honey Bees or Bumblebees like the white tailed Bumblebee  there is also solitary Bees. We already have a thread for Honey Bees and Bumblebees but not solitary bees and as a separate group to the social bees that also do the same job they deserve there own thread aswell

There is a solitary bee called the leafcutter bee that cuts leaves but there is also another type of bee called the mining bees 

I saw this solitary bee while I was out at the stream 

  • Those are very good photos of the bee with the leaf. I get leafcutter bees in the garden sometimes cause theres some holes in the walls only one of them is the right size so one day a leaf cutter bee brought some leafs in then sealed the hole up with a leaf