Trip to Highfield and Hucclecote 28th February

I went to Highfield and Had a cake and took some pictures I couldn’t take much with my phone cause the battery went down but I spotted a pied Wagtail 

it was walking down looking for crumbs

So it approached me it called before it took off then landed on the roof which was a few inches from me behind me And called again which sounded high pitched then flew off so fast he or she was gone just like that 

il never forget how loud his call was. 

after that we left but as we got half way down the car park we realised we left something behind that I had. so we went back in and I looked for it but couldn’t see it then a lady at one of the tables asked me if the thing that was there was mine and I said yes she said the Highfield lady took it so the Highfield lady told me she put it in the office and so me and mum followed her and Mum said it belongs to me and the lady said oh year I saw him outside taking pictures of birds and stuff . At Highfield I take pictures of the birds almost every time I come and have done for a long time so usually see me outside taking pictures. So I have a reputation for Wildlife and birdwatching there. one of the Highfield people  there  volunteered to do some volunteering work  at slimbridge and I happened to of gone to One of slimbridges opening days once to find out more about the volunteer work a few years ago so one of Highfield people at Highfield  that do volunteer work at slimbridge used to Have a chat with us and ask how We are getting on and what we decided. but we don’t really see him around much anymore. I also used to get things for birds sometimes there. we went back to the car and went back to Hucclecote 

I charged my device up for abit then took a few pictures ofthe birds and went on a walk 

Female Black cap


Male Blackcap 

 On the walk 


Stinking Hellobrine 

After the walk I charged my phone up and did some drawing of the birds that were outside  since they were very active and doing interesting things.

after that I went outside and did some drawings then I heard  a great Tit  so I went behind the Ivy before it sees me  a bird showed up strait away so after it left I quietly came out and went in  to see if my phone was charged and got my phone I went back behind the Ivy and used my binoculars with my phone and got some pictures and a film