Another Trip to Hucclecote and the field again. 26th February

Trip to Hucclecote and field 

I went to Hucclecote and I looked at the thing Dad is useing to sell some things I don’t want so that I can earn enough money to get a proper camara with the things I need rather than on its own and found out they have some DSLRs and Mirrorless camaras so I might be able to trade some of the things I don’t want to get one there. Then it was time to go to the field so we left strait away. When we got to the field with the dogs I took some pictures 

When I went back to Hucclecote I took some pictures of the birds 

Great Tit 

 Male blackcap 

More Great Tits 

Then I went outside to take some pictures 

The birds are used to people walking around 

the garden so Wernt very bothered by me. 
I took a picture of a Blue Tit land on one of the trees

Then there was a Woodpigeon it perched on a tree 

in front of me. 

then I decided to look at the shrubs and see if I can see 

any insects cause I usually see some on the Holly and the shrub 

next to it then took a picture of some flowers 

then went inside. I saw more birds on the feeder

A Blue Tit 

And a Robin 

this one was taken with a Telephoto smartphone Lens 

a birdwatching scope 28 x magnification 

he looks like he might have a leaf on his head 

I watched a David Attenborough documentary Then it was time to go