
Im writing down all Wildlife I seen in 2021 and 2022 in a diary or book where I make notes. 

so I thought Id list a lot of the flowers and wildflowers iv seen. These arnt all the ones iv written down but some.  a few from 2019 and 2021 and ones from last year And from this year 

Sweet Alison, Lavender, Monkshood, Nasturtium, Common Holly, dandelion, common Daisy. Bellflower, 

Stinging Nettle, Mistletoe, dock, Ribwort Plaintain, Petty Spurge, Navelwort, Garlic Mustard, Shepards Purse, Meadowsweet, Cow Parsley, Yarrow, Mouse ear, Bladder Campion, Bramble, Hogweed, White Deadnettle, Wild Garlic, Great Bindweed, Dog Rose, Ox eye Daisy, Snowdrop, Agrimony, Black Medick, Wallflower, Creeping Cinquefoil, Meadow Verchling, Kidney Vetch, St Johns Wort, Cowslip, Yellow Archangel, Common Ragwort, Sunflower, Prickly Ox toungue, yellow waterlily, Marigold, Creeping Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Welsh Poppy, Broom, Common Rock Rose, Common Hawkweed, Wild Dafodil, Yellow flag, Sheeps Sorrel, Red Clover, Barberry, Billberry, Scarlet Pimpernal, Thyme, Thistle, orpine, Common Restharrow, Herb Robert, Common Comfrey, Red Deadnettle, Red Valerian, Red Campion, Common Poppy,  Common Mallow, Bindweed, Foxglove, Common Knapweed, tufted Vetch, wood forget me not, Bugle, Common field Speedwell, Common Vetch, Ground Ivy, Nightshade, Toadflax, Harebell, Bluebell, Meadow Cranesbill, Pansy, Teasel, Devils bit Scabius, Cornflower, Chicory, early Purple Orchid,  Common Spotted Orchid, Broad Leaved Hellobrine, 

Some species grew in the garden others in a place called Kingsway, others were from AONB sites in the Cotswolds nature reserves like edge for example and others from Hucclecote, others from Saintbridge Balanceing Pond and others from other places when Wildlife watching aswell. Wildlife seemed to like alot of these plants, if anyone has any Wildflowers feel free to send them too