Wildlife trip to Fleet near Reading Part 1

I stayed for the Night in Hucclecote and saw my Family and the 8 dogs we have And watched David Attenborough 

Then The next day we got up early and got ready to drive to Fleet, Reading, As soon as Mum told me it was near Reading I said did you Know a Red Kites can be found near Reading A Bird of Prey popped up in flying past out the front windowThan later when I said Mum what if I woke up as a. Then went Red Kiiiiiiite  Cause it amedidetly shot up out my window which gave Mum abit of a Surprise and I was like whoops. But it did catch me off guard. 

It was so quiet and with no birds of prey and seemed like there wenrt going to be any until then it was like a wake up call to still stay alert like I usually do on long car journeys then we stopped at a service station I saw some gulls so I decided to do some bird watching while I’m waiting for Dad to charge the car Cause he has an electric vehicle. Dad thought it was a good idea to get one cause he says it’s better for The environment cause it uses less fossil fuels 

I saw Black headed gulls 

This fella yawned so I tryed to catch it in action I only managed to get mouth open and closed 

But it’s better catching the gull after it’s yawned rather than during the yawn 

Then I heard a bird in the shrubbery I couldn’t see it though 

Then later I saw another bird of prey that was a Red Kite 

Then we continued the long journey when we got there I saw birds out the window 

And they let me use there seat so I can sit on and take pictures after I took a photo of the Blackbird

A Robin perched on the bench but I was at a awkward angle it was better than nothing though

Then it perched on the light 

A Dunnock walked across the ground looking for food 

Robin perched on here after it darted  around 

A Blue Tit took a bath in the pot

Then we went for a walk through the woods and common

There s a Canal a time the beginning of the woods 

And we saw a Mallard 

A moorhen

I saw 2 chase each other later but didn’t catch it.

ONce we got to the main woodlands area I saw a crocus

Then I saw some more

I went past a stream it looked very muddy but still a nice woodland scene

We crossed a canal

Then next we were at a common. 

I saw a few members of the crow family

Another wild plant- don’t worry im not saying the bird was a species of wild plant 

An interesting wildflower 

Another interesting Wilflower 

I heard birds on a pilon

We went out what turned out to be a Nature Reserve 

I saw fungi on a log 

And another interesting wildflower

We came across a stream and I saw some snowdrops dotted across the side of the stream

I saw lots of Holly

I saw what I almost took as a red berry growing on the holly when something felt off about that so I went back 

and took a look again and looked closely and I noticed it was a Ladybeetle