Birds in the garden and on my feeders, and photography of birds that visit the garden

Birds use my bird feeders a lot so I thought I may aswell make a thread on it most of mine tend to be Feeders rather than bird bath unless the Woodpigeon visits a lot or it’s spring and summer so I hope you enjoy any photos or things about the birds in the garden 

I usually get Blue Tit Great Tit Robin, Woodpigeon, Magpies, sometimes Starlings and occasionally 

A sneaky gull might stand on the wall and stare at my bowl or the occasional crow might show up 

Sometimes I get Goldfinches aswell. Last month I started putting bird food out on the bird table but different bird food in a pile Next to each other,  Niger seed, Suet Nuggets, and Mealworm Fat ball crumbs and mealworm suet pellets To see what they like without wasting food during that time I had blue tit visit my bird table, 

Great Tit, and Robin, and Blackbird, Goldfinch started visiting the tree more often than they have beenBut the Woodpigeon wasn’t as keen, the blackbird has become more of a Regular visitor since then and the Magpie has started visiting the bird table aswell. The blackbird has been visiting every day and more often than the other birds now And All the food had gone including niger seeds so I had to put some more suet out And the Blackbird has been doing his leaf turning and looking in my decoration I use for the insects to drink out of. 

 6th February 2023 

Foraging out the window while I was eating breakfast  

  • Iv already done one on Wildlife and Nature in the garden which is anything animal considered wild and and anything to do with Nature which I will still add my photos to but thought I’d do one more about birds And more about types of birds that visit

  • Recently I had a Blue Tit, Blackbird and Robin and Woodpigeon. Iv noticed my niger seed has been going but the Woodpigeon has taken a interest in the tiny black niger seeds so I might need to put some in my niger feeder then put some in the bowl or on the bird table so that the Goldfinch can have some aswell.
  • I almost allways seem to arrive when the birds arrive in the garden. Usually what happens is I open the door look around to make sure there’s no birds first and go out then a bird apears so I end up having to stay still so I don’t scare them off or sneak behind the wall and wait for it to come down. Its almost like both me and the birds arrive at the same time. Or they associate the sound of me coming out into the garden with food.
  • As for today I looked around and there was no birds so I went out to get some fresh air then a Blackbird apeared. So I hid away and then it came down to my bird table to look for food but there wasn’t any cause I hadnt put it out so it kept double checking and flitting about on the bird table look everywhere and looking confused then flew out into the tree so I quietly went in and came out with my suet pellets and snuck up to the bird table and put some on quietly then quietly went back inside. The Blackbird was still in the tree after. So Im hopeing it will come down and eat some. 

  • Yes it came down and ate It. Though im not sure weather its eaten all of it cause there’s still some crumbs and random bits on the table
  • I havnt had a chance to send any cause I been so busy but When my devices let me take photos I will be able to send some photos on here for now it will mainly be comment observations until I can
  • Later I saw a Blue Tit on my Fat ball feeder and later on I saw 2 Woodpigeons chaseing each other on the wall
  • I went out in the garden and suddenly the blackbird was in the tree I dont know why I keep running into the garden birds  at the same time I decide to go out in the garden rarely I go out when there not there. Even though I try to go out when there not there so that I don’t acidently scare them away by running into them 

  • I went to water my wildflowers and the blue tit appeared at the same time so I seem to have a knack for turning up when the birds arrive at the same time
  • Iv found my old I phone which was the very first time I got an I phone. I got it at Christmas in 2020 and it stopped working properly at the end of 2021 so I got a new I phone. My old I phone has let me take some pictures but ir acts up and goes off suddenly so I wouldnt rely on it for taking photos but I managed to take some.