Wildlife day out

For anyone who hasn’t seen the other trip https://community.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/f/photography/282246/wildlife-trip-out-to-field-and-hucclecote

31st January 2023

I went on a dog walk with someone my Mum knows from her work who knows about Autism and Learning disabilitys and as I found out on the walk also knows abit about birds. he managed to identify a Chaffinch and told me about a trick you can use to mimic a Magpies call he used to do in the past with one of his kids. in the meantime I took photos of any Wild Plants and Wild flowers I saw. Exspeacialy since The birds wouldn’t stay still enough to have there photo taken 





Some insects, Bugs, invertrevretes rest inside flowers and this one is inhabited by an Aphid

Aphid resting in the secure walls of Periwinkle 




I went behind a shrub and took photos of the long tailed Tits 

This was a Blue Tit it only let me take a photo of its tummy 

An Insect or invertrevrete climbing up the tree

I decided to find a more suitable place to take photos and remain unnoticed by the birds since there wasn’t much hideing places 

Which was hard but I found some Ivy and a gap I could go through to watch birds at the feeder and see insects at the same time 

Insect or invertrevrete climbing up Ivy 

Long tailed Tits 

Fly to the moon