More Redwings

                     Redwings are winter visitors 

Two days ago some Redwings visited the tree out my window.

Later I saw a Redwing and Robin together

They seem to have stuck around cause they have been visiting both the tree out my window and the tree in the yard ever since

Monday 30th January 2023 

Tree in the driveway  

Redwing in the Silver Birch tree out my window 

At first there’s only 1 to 3 then more arive. There has been 5 Redwings in a flock on the trees 

But sometimes another flock arives usually around the same number 

 Even though I saw Female lesser Redpoll last January I havnt seen any this month

Usually I only see 1 or 2 Redwing  and there’s usually at the Orchard or nearby but now 

Theres more of them and they decided to visit out my window this year

Tuesday 31st January 2023 

I woke up after a sleepless night and as soon as I walked up to the window to see if I could get a photo of the

sumrise I found it was too cloudy then Suddenly I spotted Redwings on the tree out my window so they keep coming back