Trip to a pond at the service station and Hucclecote

Starlings enjoyed the heat and warmth from the Sun riseing behind them after I wake up in the morning. Starlings do there call that sounds like a flute, crows caw the once the sun rose above the horizon Woodpigeons cu coooo, coo cu coo, Blackbirds and Robins sing and Blue and great Tits finish off 

Later After Breackfast and everything I got ready for Mum to pick me up and take me to the pond at the service station once I got there I went strait outside to take some photos 

First A gull suddenly glided over at high speed so quick I only had a second to take it 

The water was frozen and water that was coming down turned to iceicles next to the waterfall 

I saw a snail or a shell frozen under the ice but you can see bubbles trapped under the ice 

A bird arived when I looked through my binoculars it was a pied wagtail it was walking across the ice to the water that wasnt frozen 

I went to Hucclecote and had tea then I went on a dog walk I only managed to take one photo cause there wasn’t much but I managed to get a photo of a Teasel

after that I watched a David Attenborough documentary then Mum and Dad got tired so while Mum and dad rested I went out and did some audio recording of the birds cause I noticed the sun setting before dark  

just before the sun set there was lots of alarm from the birds and lots of alarm calls and territorial calls I waited behind a shrub and some Crows chaseing a buzzard they eventually drove it away 

by the time the sun went down the last bird to sing was the Blackbird.


Blackbird 2.m4a

After tea Mum dropped me back