Winter in Gloucestershire. Trip to Highfield Garden World and Hucclecote

 There was lots of bird activity today. the white stuff It was mainly slushy, crunchy and icy rather than soft and would melt in your hand quickly or Would break easily if you tryed to make a snowman if your not careful which normally isn’t the case with proper snow and I dont usually get snow until January most years So There’s a possibility it might not necessarily of been proper snow but close. It was very wintery and Christmasy. We were going to go somewhere else but there was acidents on the road cause of the weather and we got stuck in traffic cause of the acidents. And snow or sleet blocked the sensors in the car but luckily it didn’t cause any real problems. Cause of traffic we went to Highfield Garden World instead 

 The pond at Highfield Garden World has frozen over so there was a crack through it 

And when I looked through my binoculars I saw footprints from a bird walking across it

I gently and carefully made a little arch on the side. 

Birds arived 

In Hucclecote 

 the pine and fur trees made it look even more Christmasy than if it was 

Just on a normal tree. 

A Robin came - without a Christmas hat. But sleet or snow in the background and 

on the tree makes up for that 

Some flowers that have water from the sleet or snow melting on the flower and leafs

A flock of tits went on the tree. One of them was pecking at the sleet or snow  on the Branch and Calling. 

I did look for other Wildlife aswell but insect and invertrebete activity was low so I  

Barely saw any but there was definitely lots of bird activity. after this I watched David Attenborough passion projects  on the big screen on BBC I player 

I watched it In the room with the dogs cause I havnt seen it before and helped look after the dogs then I had tea and Dad dropped me back