Gulls share your photos here

I know not everyone likes gulls. Some like gulls some don’t. But some do and they are very interesting There’s differant types. So it could be very educational and helpful for identification To have a Thread dedicated to gulls. And they have there own Complex social hirechy. 

  • Then what was just as amusing is it struck another pose and stood tall and proud after.
  • This specimen looks less than happy:

    I'd be less than happy if I was going around with only one leg.  Still magnificent in flight, though.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • nice one Claire. At least the gull can fly though if it coouldnt fly then it would be more vulnerable to predators since one of the reasons birds evolved wings was so that they have the ability to fly and eascape predators. Whereas if we lost a leg we would have to find other ways to get around cause we can’t fly so the gull is lucky in that sense but then still might not be as easy to walk again at least it can fly though that’s the main thing. Its a very good photo.