I know this is very random But I found the photo quiet amusing. This photo is from 2019 to avoid confusion with my recent photos on the thread
Yes the gull was walking across the garden wall.
the hanger and fan isn’t there now but it was then.Later It kept glancing at my bird food and staring at it and went into a ready posture then diving downwards to land posture to come down but kept changing its mind at the last minute so kept stoping itself at the last minute a couple of times. At one point it dove down only to go back up to the wall as quick as it came down. Eventually it left. I ended up with another one on the wall again but not that same year. it just walked up and down it talking to itself and that’s it though. I didn’t manage to get a photo of that one but at least I got a photo of this one.
i had a wake up call from the herring gulls again this morning.
They were on the next doors roof again they have been landing on there every morning and afternoon But this time there was 4 of them so they clearly like landing on that roof and chimney for some important vocalisations and a rest every morning and afternoon
here’s one of them but it was faceing the other way this time
a gull started flying abouve the gull