Coaly Peak

Coaly Peak

I went to Coaly Peak today. I havnt been for a long time. someone wanted to Show me a route but it started raining on the way there luckily it stoped But cause the person heard there’s a storm brewing thought it’s not a good idea And will have to do it next time. But I stayed there for a couple of minutes and took Photos 

White Deadnettle. White Dead nettle  Isn’t a stinging nettle but it is a species  of deadnettle. Deadnettles don’t have stingers but the stinging nettles do. Stinging nettles don’t develop these lobed flowers but can also be important for Wildlife as well. For example some Butterflys lie there eggs on stinging nettle. But this Nettle develops these flowers that Bees love. The bottom lip acts as a platform for the Bees to step on to make it easyer to get to the nectar. 


My lense was dirty and it was proper gale force winds. It was enough to knock you over but  Im used to hills and have been on the Cotswold hills during windy weather before so was Able to keep my ground and not to fall but it was difficult keeping the binoculars from wobbling.I still managed to get a close up of the River Severn

Birds were flying all over the place but faceing into the wind mainly a member of the crow family  but There was Woodpigeons and Goldfinch Aswell. Except the Goldfinch struggled abit cause they were being pulled the opposite Direction to where they were heading but they managed to get there They did a turn back on themself towards the wind but that didn’t make it Any Easyer they were being pulled all over the place