Romney Marsh and St Mary’s Bay part 2

Sunday 23rd October 

Romney Marsh and St Mary’s Bay 

Next day I woke up and it wasn’t raining but I had to get ready quickly so that We have enough time 

There was Jackdaws, Woodpigeons, Collared Doves, Starlings and Goldfinch 

I couldnt get a photo of all of them though. 

When we went the tide was all the way up to the barrier

 I managed to get a few photos with my Phone but that was it. I tryed my I pad But that died at the last minute aswell  even though it was charged enough 

I resorted to a device I use as a last resort but that went just like that even though it was Mostly charged. Mum wouldn’t let me use her phone but I brought a compact digital camara In case all else fails cause I know my things can be temperamental it’s not good but better Than nothing.

We couldn’t walk across the sand on the beach and It was very windy Compared to when we were walking there. Our hair ended up messy but that didn’t bother me And I managed to get some photos.  The gulls loved it though. 

After we got back it rained very hard when it stopped raining 

I went outside in the garden to take photos of the Wildlife they get. 

Yellow underwing

A Robin apeared But I didn’t manage to get him 

 Later it was sunny so we decided to go for a quick walk 

Down the beach the tide had gone away so we could walk across the sand

There was a egret but it didn’t want to stay still and kept moveing along the shoreline 

Then we left to go back

A spot with abundant feral pigeons 

They don’t visit my Auntys and they allways  see them on this house 

When we got back we got ready to pack our stuff to leave. We said goodbye and then I went back 

We left at 4 and got back 9:30 

  • In the morning when it was all the way up you could see the wet sand and everything. it was exstremely windy at the beach and the sea was very rough. So the hills were doing lots of tricks and lots of hover and gliding . But what is even more interesting is that at the beach was exstremelt windy almost like a hurricane as soon as we got to the part with houses on the way to my Auntys which is only a few minutes away there was no wind at all and my Aunty said the reason it happens is cause it’s cause it’s more sheltered