Woodlouse Photography

Iv been busy sorting out my photos and videos with Storage space to make room for more cause I got photos and videos from  a couple of years ago up to now and I can no longer transfer to my laptop. When I went in the garden there wasn’t much but there was a few snails, and there was Woodlice aswell. They have been well hidden this month. There more active today. And I managed to get some cooll close ups so I thought I’d share them with you. 

Wood lice help break down dead and decaying organic matter so they play an important role in the ecosystem 

This Woodlouse showed some interest in the other Woodlouse. However the Other Woodlouse wasn’t impressed and leged it 

They ran into each other again but decided  to tolerate and hang around with each other 

Time to go now

In most cases you just have to time it right if you want to catch Wildlife while there moveing Exspeacially when there fast so I don’t usually use this technique but I had to use a different technique and had to hold the button down and  keep it pressed down to catch it

A Woodlouse acidently got in the house 

So I let it crawl onto my hand then I put my arm against the wall of my insect shelter for it to crawl onto then it crawled off onto the shelter and underneath it. 

Its amazing how they manage to fit under such tiny and narrow spaces 

Here’s an interesting fact. On A woodlouse there lungs are underneath there bodys and it’s the two white things.