The funny Robin Story this evening

My eyes are good at adjusting to low light conditions sometimes. Sometimes I can be in the dark and not even know. which led to a funny story with me and a Robin. I was outside watering my Wildflowers and didn’t realise it was completely dark then I turned around with the hose and put it down to pick the whole thing up then after I dropped it the light came on and there was a Robin just standing there and drinking out of my Bird Bath it scared the daylight out of me.

It made the Robin jump aswell so it flitted off to the Chair but in less than 5 minutes it went back to the Bird Bath which was Next to me. and carried on drinking and tryed drinking from different parts of the Bird Bath.

then it jumped onto the wall and burst into song

just like you would if someone made you jump out of your skin while your drinking of course. He did a very strange one 

it was quiet short and seemed to be talking to another Robin that echoed in the background. 

  • I wonder who got the bigger fright Zo, you or the wee Robin? It was probably telling it's mate about his experience with you!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Yes it scared both of us. I don’t think either of us were exspecting the light to suddenly come on and I don’t think either of us was exspecting to see each other in the dark either. It was quiet funny that he just went strait back to the bird bath next to the person that scared him out of his feathers by acident and then just burst out in song after 

    At least there happened to be another Robin nearby to communicate with after  that exspeariance.

    It was probably telling it's mate about his experience with you!

    I don’t know if he was telling the other Robin about his experience with me in sireousness. but in humor after also jumping out of its (feathers)  you never know