Trip to the Barn near Wooky part 2

I recorded some bird calls on the trip and I heard the Jackdaw so I recorded 2 types of  calls he or she did then I went to the field 

With Mum and Aunty and the dogs after



We went to the field with the Dogs 3 of them are puppys and one is there Mum 

They get on well with the cat but get up to mischief. There is another adult called Cookie who is particularly fond of me. Someone  Who stays here with her daughter sometimes to help  that I know had a dog called Scrumpy. Me and Mum and my  Aunty went out to the field so Scrumpy can  play but also to walk round the field. In the field there was a part where the sheep and that havnt eaten the grass but have stayed long and the rest of the grass short from where they been eating it all. I saw some apples 

And as we carried on walking I saw a Dragonfly so I took a picture of it 

After the Dragonfly one of the Dogs went in a Badgers hole and wouldn’t come out so my Aunty panicked and asked to get my Uncle I looked to see if I could get the dog cause I’m good at fitting through narrow gaps and things but it wasn’t big enough so I went to get my Uncle. I thought he was upstairs but he was downstairs cause Mum found him

Once he got there dog had come out. After that they were relieved and talked about possibly fenceing it off but they arnt sure how to make it so the Badger can get in or out and the dog not get inGoatnd were worried that the Badger might push it down or something. But apart from that eventful time in the field I saw some more Butterflys and dragonfly’s and on the way back out of the field I saGoata goat Goat my Aunty said they have lots of animals next door. 

After that I saw a Buzzard being pestered by Jackdaws it flew quite low but when I pressed the button it didn’t press which I didn’t find out until after the Buzzard which was frustrating but I did watch it catch some high thermals and saw over the field. 

After that I had tea and I did a drawing of a Dragonfly for That person me and her daughter know who stayed for 5 minutes and he was thankful and I did a drawing of a Robin for my Aunty. She keeps my drawings safe where she can see them since I did a drawing of a bird of prey for her last time. Then we left. 

  • Ooops!

    Losing a dog down a badger set!

    That could have been quite nasty if the badgers were in residence, they take no prisoners....

    Another good set of photos.

  • Michael B said:


    Losing a dog down a badger set!

    That could have been quite nasty if the badgers were in residence, they take no prisoners....

    Another good set of photos.

    Thanks. I think the dragonfly is my best photo. Yes  and it was the Mum of 3 puppys that decided to go down the badger set so my Aunty was panicking about where the other puppys are aswell luckily it was just the Mum. We actually originally planned to have a walk round the whole field but we had to go back after the puppys Mum went down the Badger hole. Luckily I did manage to some photos before that