Trip to a Barn near Wooky Hole part 1

This is about as rural as you can get there’s not much shops nearby and its mainly farmland 

Hover fly




Fly pollinating the flowers 

This one can easily be mistakened for a Bee like a Honey Bee But

This is what a Honey Bee looks like.

While some bee mimics can fool you into thinking it’s a Honey Bee they actually have 

Features that help you tell them apart for Hoverflys hoverflys hover whereas  

Honey Bees and Bumblebees dont.  for other fly mimics that arnt hoverflys being

Familier with honey Bees is one of the ways that can help you tell them apart 

Becoming familiar with Bee anatomy and fly anatomy can also help you tell the 

Difference aswell.

Bee mimic


Cabbage Whites

Red Admiral Butterfly 

Speckled Wood

I took some photos of some other species too including the area where my Aunty and Uncle look after the Sheep. After I took some photos I waited for my devices to charge up and then I went to the part they have the sheep. Thats in part 2 

  • Nice photos Zo.

    I'll be having a look at Pt2 shortly.

  • Thanks. While I was there the lense on my binoculars fell off and the other lense was black if you looked through them and I managed to ask Mum if she could try and put it on and she did but it was lopsided and wouldn’t go on properly. I had to hope the lense will stay on while I take photos. I used my binoculars to get two bee mimics on a flower from a certain distance away but it was hard cause the lense was lopsided. But With one of the bee mimics it was ok with me walking up it at a certain angle and zoom in but with 2nd Bee mimic The Bee mimic let me walk right up to it and take photos from under neath and while crawling around the flower so I didn’t need my binoculars I just had to slowly walk away after I finished so I don’t startle it the Butterfly was abit harder cause it flew to the high part of the bush sometimes and only stayed still for a certain amount of time and my lense but I did manage to get some photos. With the Robin I wasn’t able to use my Binoculars cause the knob to adjust clarity was stuck and the lense kept falling off again but I think the bee fly is the best photos I took before I went to the field