Spiders share your photos here

I think since Spiders are also interesting and fascinating creatures with there intricate webs and everything I think  they deserve a forum of there own aswell.  If you get any photos Of Spiders you can share your photos here if you would like to

  • Organiseing the web wrapped round the food and adjusting some things and some finishing touches to the rest of the web 


  • Garden Spider it was going round the web tapping, hanging then going back up and Sorting the whole web out with its spinnerets adding some and adjusting some things it doesn’t need before it goes to its meal 

    Time to eat

  • Hey guys the arachnological Society secretary wanted me to send the Cricket bath orbweaver and green meshweb spider to him I saw here in Gloucestershire by email so he can add it to the database. so iv sent them to him

  • Iv only just realised i put cricket bath instead of bat on the post abouve the screenshot.  as you might already know it’s cricket bat orbweaver not bath. iv never heard of a cricket bath Orbweaver before

  • I havnt been able to take any pictures. Iv only been able to take a photo of something once this week then that was it. So im haveing to just comment for now. I have a false widow Spider in the corner of my window in my bedroom. To be honest It’s been there for a long time but its harmless like most Spiders in Britian. it is a very interesting Spider aswell. But I just leave it there to do its thing cause it’s spends most of its time hidden away unless hungry. I sometimes get insects, beetles or whatever in my room if I do i either leave them be or open the window or put them outside. But sometimes I get fly’s in my room. not very often but the most common and frequent ones I get are craneflys exspeacialy during Autumn and Winter but the Spider is good comeing out to get them so I use the Spider as a form of pest control. Spiders can be very handy.
  • Im starting to see more Spiders again so it might be worth starting to look out for them.
  • At the moment it’s mainly been Cellar Spiders but I started to see a few other species
  • This fella was on the wall and as I suspected might happen it started makeing a web down towards the bath that had water in it. Spiders are clever and can build webs over abouve water but there has been occasions where iv seen a unlucky insect or even a spider that skmehow managed to fall in and it wasn’t particularly safe and I couldn’t go outside cause it was the evening so I had to put my hand out for it to crawl onto and then put my hand against the slanted window that has gaps in it so it should hopefully stay out of trouble