Spiders share your photos here

I think since Spiders are also interesting and fascinating creatures with there intricate webs and everything I think  they deserve a forum of there own aswell.  If you get any photos Of Spiders you can share your photos here if you would like to

  •   I was having lunch when I saw this one. Very kindly, he stayed still long enough for me to take a few photos. This is the only one that was taken in some sort of focus    

  • Come into my parlour said the spider ...

  • This is the time of year when spiders will become very prevalent, as they look for somewhere warm as winter nears.

    As BillysDad quotes.... "Come into my parlour...."

  • Thanks. Those are very good photos.

    I was having lunch when I saw this one. Very kindly, he stayed still long enough for me to take a few photos. This is the only one that was taken in some sort of focus    

    That was lucky. I think it’s a nice photo.

    Come into my parlour said the spider ...

    I think that’s  a good shot

  • That’s amazing and also, the absolute thing of nightmares Fearful
  • Yes it definitely is that time of year. It looks like that spider has also managed to get some food aswell. I think Its cooll how you can see the Spiders holding  onto its food from underneath it  in the photo  even though you can’t see it as well from abouve aswell 

  • Spiders havnt caught much this evening yet but I found a couple of Spiders.

    Garden Spider this is the one that hangs out next to my dogwood they all tend to stay in a specific place usually where they could encounter flys like the fly it tryed to get that mamaged to east ape and land on my dogwood yesterday 

    This Spider was at an awkward an angle but then if it wasn’t it would be easyer for insects to escape. The Garden Spider one of its main Identification clues is the brown and yellow striped legs 

    Brown stripe looking pattern And a line that can  look like a cross on the back 

    Another Spider. This is before 8oclock. It’s getting dark earlyer. 

    8 pm 

    This is the web I see during the day while it’s light it belongs to a Tube  web Spider

    I couldnt see him during the day. Only the web but he sits in his web and Waits in the evening. What type Of tube web spider I don’t know cause I would need to see his whole body and it’s patterns but here he is  

  • Lucky Spider 

    Cause  it has warning colours it probably won’t taste nice but some Wildlife do give some species with warning colours a try of course it’s at that point they find out it’s distasteful or poisonous and learn to avoid it 

    Garden Spider  

  • Great photos Zo. The last two are particularly good. Lots of grizzly detail ... Scream