Balanceing pond and a kingfisher

I went to the Balanceing Pond today and I was lucky cause The Kingfisher visited and it stuck around long enough for a couple of photos so I got my first proper photos of a Kingfisher.  Iv only been able to see a Kingfisher for real a few times and coincidentally hadn’t had my camara. my very first photo of a Kingfisher  was last week which wasn’t as good 
As it usualy is but this time it stuck around for longer so managed to get a couple of photos. I had to use my binoculars cause it was too small and too far away to take without them 

Gray Squirrel 


Screenshots of the photos 

  • Well done Zo on your 1st proper picture of a Kingfisher ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I was so exited about the Kingfisher That I didnt look for the little egret and Gray Heron that visits sometimes. usually they stick out very well in a pond full of ducks but there wasn’t any there before I saw the Kingfisher. And the Kingfisher sticks out better than all the ducks and little egret and gray Heron cause it’s so bright blue and orange. The Kingfisher arrived at just right the time cause I literally only just got to the pond when I saw it fly to the ledge at the pond and I only had half an hour so should he or she of arrived later on I wouldn’t of had the opportunity to take a couple of photos. Also if I didn’t have my binoculars with me he or she would of been a blue dot on the log so it was lucky I had binoculars with me aswell
  • Yes, well done on getting your first kingfisher photo. They're not the most amiable of birds to photograph, and the other photos are also very good.

  • Thanks. I found out from the Wildlife Photographer that visits there every day and takes photos of the Wildlife that the Kingfisher is a regular visitor so I decided to visit a few times since when I visit it isn’t usualy there. It’s possible it was a case of missing it when I visited or that it just happened not to visit those days. I been trying to find somewhere to get that photo of the Kingfisher ever since my very first Kingfisher sighting in Cornwall a few years ago So now I know where I can see a Kingfisher I can look out for it when I visit. I have heard it’s call while it was at the pond so I found it’s helpful to listen out for that when looking for it aswell