RSPB Fairburn Ings Reserve Part Two

  • You're just showing off, now, ILR, more dragons in flight! Lovely set :o) Nice to see the birds too. I've not been out for about 10 days coz work shifts changed due to people dare they have holidays!!??... and today, as predicted, a day off in dampness!!
  • Will do ILR lol...yes its certainly cooled down now...long sleeves back on far its dry but dull ..hopefully get out later if rain stays away ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks PB hopefully it might brighten up later and give you a chance to get out with your camera this afternoon. It rained here late afternoon and through the night and it’s cooled down nice now. I am going out on Thursday with a couple of friends it’s forecast cloudy so more pics and hopefully some surprises too.
  • Hi Linda It rained through the night last night and for some reason I am not tired of late and I was still awake at 4am I eventually got to sleep just after, hopefully I might be tired enough to sleep tonight. Going out on Thursday with a couple of friends it’s forecast cloudy so more pics and hopefully a surprise or two. Hope you manage to get out today and it brightens up for you.
  • A lovely selection of photos from a Reserve I've only been to once for a short stopover on a long journey back to Suffolk. Sadly we didn't have time to go far so didn't see much so thanks for these pictures.
  • Thanks very much Trevor There is part 3 if you have not seen it yet and part 4 will be put on tomorrow
    Fairburn Ings is only around 10 minutes from RSPB St Aidans Reserve and only 20 minutes from home so its a short drive away for me. But i do like to get around to other venues to see a variety of wildlife.