Nature and My trip to Thetford Forest when I went on holiday

Before I went on holiday I saw 2 Blue Tits, 2 Robins, and 4 Dunnocks but I only managed to get a photo of one 

then the day after went to Thorpe Forest 

some of the activities I did was Archery

And the day after I did Survival skills and a wildlife walk 

me and Dad learned how to make a hammock in the forest

we also learned how to make tea from stinging nettle leafs and other things

There was no activity’s the day after but the day after that we took the dogs for a walk in Thetford Forest cause my Brother had a Forest holidays activity nearby 

Thetford Forest

There was lots of these in the forest

I found a feather 

there was lots of grasshoppers and crickets and there was lots of damselflys in the area

peacock butterfly
