Birds Galore in our West Sussex Garden

Since we moved into our new home in West Sussex, we have spotted 46 different species of bird either in, or spotted from our garden. One thing we have noticed recently though is the decline in insects locally and beyond. We have introduced a small container pond and have already seen dragonflies and damselflies but the low numbers of insects is a concern. Here are a couple of recent photos I took using my Nikon D500:

  • Lovely photos, thanks for sharing them; it looks like you have the perfect garden to attract a great variety of birds; I've also noticed a lot less insects this year so will try add a few more pollinating plants to containers on our balcony. We used to have a large woodland garden with pond and as you have seen it definitely makes a huge difference and can attract the damselflies and dragonflies as well as more birds; we even had a grey wagtail because of the pond so proves our efforts to create the right habitat does make a difference; well done.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • A couple of cracking photos there.

    It really is amazing what you can see, if only we take the time to stop and look. 46 species is a good number of birds, and like Hazel says, we too have seen a drop in insect numbers, but then I do live a very urban area, and one which is seeing a rapidly increasing amount of urban development, alongside HS2, which is also carving up the available green spaces.

    Keep the water as fresh as you can in that bird bath, just as we don't like dirty water, likewise the birds don't, and fresh water also helps to reduces infection.

    Something you may want to consider, is a trailcam. They don't cost a lot, and are a good insight into what activity occurs in your garden, night and day. I have two set up in my garden, and it is very interesting what goes on, and what I don't see but is captured on the trailcams.

    Please feel free to continue sharing your photos, and enjoy what you see.

  • Thanks Mike, I actually have a container pond and a bird bath. The container pond has plants and a pump/fountain and within days we had our first toad.

  • You're welcome, and some more brilliant photos, and I love the last one, the greenfinch parent feeding the youngster

  • Hi

    re: East Sussex

    one of my best buddies moved into Pulborough last year- his garden list is already bigger than mine- he's even had Wryneck.....



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box