Tree Bumblebee Photography at the Stream

Tree Bumblebee

  • Just bouncing this and my butterfly and Bumblebee post back up again a lot of my posts have been getting pushed down  

  • It was actually raining when I got there so I had to stand under a tree I didn’t have long. But I was lucky cause a friendly man iv met there before that has seen foxes there in the evenings talked for an hour to someone that was with me within that hour I looked for insects under t he e tree in the rain. When it was stopping I went to the shruby and took some pictures then the sun came out and out of nowhere tree Bumblebees shot over. There was 2 of them. Then later after I got the close ups the Butterfly showed up and landed on the shrubs I took some pictures of it then took a picture of both. I took a picture of some other insects then the person with me said bye to the man cause we were late cause of that and went back on the way back I saw another tree Bumblebee so I saw 3 at the Stream