Stream, river, and Pond life, pond skaters, 2022 photos wanted

Since there isn’t a thread for Wildlife you find in river and streams or a thread for pond skaters and  Pond life. any Wildlife you find in a pond aswell so it’s not just pond skaters.  I thought id do a thread on It il add my photos when I get some this year and you can aswell if you see any

  • I'll help you kickstart this one with a pond skate taken last week at Plas Newydd

  • Thanks. That’s a very good photo of the pond skater
  • I couldn’t get a good look cause they were too fast

    and I cant find any good photos but I managed to get a film. they were skimming the surface 

    of the water 

  • Zo Clark said:
    Thanks. That’s a very good photo of the pond skater

    Thank you