Dragonflys and Damselflys 2022 photos wanted

I saw some damselfly’s last year and sometimes get them locally  out and about  I thought I’d do a Dragonfly and damselfly thread If I get any il add them but you can add them aswell 

  • Well spotted Zo. I haven't seen a dragonfly for ages ... Thumbsup

  • Thanks. It wasnt me that first noticed it this time though. was just walking along looking for them aswell as looking for some birds and as I was passing the bench the person who came with me who was sat down noticed it and pointed it out to me. It was small so it wasn’t easy to notice and I usually notice these things so it was very good at not being noticed even though it was a different colour to the bench.  I sat down next to it on the bench and it was still there.  it completely ignored me and carried on with what it was doing which was resting in the sun. it was very tolerant of human presence. But It’s probably used to humans passing through when it’s in the area. I took it at the boating lake and People tend to walk through there and sit on the bench or just walk round the lake. I had  a photo taken of me on the bench next to the red darter. Then  I took  some more close ups after I had sat down for abit.  You could literally just walk over and sit on the bench and eat or something without you noticeing it or without the darter  takeing any notice. It was obviously enjoying itself.  I managed to film it aswell. It was useing the Bench as a perch like it would use if there was shrubbery or a path

  • Hi
    Just joined this site &, although a bit late in the thread, had to say what a beautiful dragonfly....fantastic shot!
