Quirky Wildlife 2022. A Pied Wagtail standing on the Table

Ii saw this pied wagtail and it was standing on the table. 

  • Pied wagtails can be quiet funny. I find they tend to run across roads and car parks not worried about the cars at all and looks like there going to get there selfs run over except they still seem to manage not to get ran over. Most birds who are camara shy will usually shy away from the camara or look nervous or uneasy and most pied wagtails Iv seen aren’t that tame so normally have to do it from a certain distance or try to avoid drawing attention to myself but this one was so tame it actually approached me closely close enough for a close picture and then jumped  onto the table from behind a metal bar outside and stood on the table then it eventually jumped off and looked around on the ground. Iv never seen one stand on a table before 

  • Has anyone else  seen one doing funny things like standing on the table  before aswell?