3D from 2D

More fiddling with editing software. Good fun but a wee bit time consuming.

My bird photos HERE

  • I bet it is too Paul, still nice work you did.



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  • Well done Paul,  what great effects you achieved with the new software,  made me eyes go funny lol     Bet the garden chores are building up since you upgraded the computer !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Heh, very effective - I've seen that done with old photos to add sparkle to scenes of bygone days.  We'll expect all your pics to get the treatment now :-)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Thanks guys.

    Unknown said:
    Bet the garden chores are building up since you upgraded the computer !!

    Not at all...I learned a long time ago to do what I'm told...when I'm told.!! :-)

    The garden is starting to show signs of taking off now but I think it'll still be two or three weeks behind all your gardens further south. I did spot a Great Diving Beetle in the pond the other day; the water is getting really clear again now that there's a bit of action starting in the plant life.

    My bird photos HERE

  • Paul A said:
    Not at all...I learned a long time ago to do what I'm told...when I'm told.!! :-)

        lol   I'll have to ask Mrs A  how she achieves that ! 

    Good to hear the pond is nice and clear and how lovely to see a G.D-beetle.   We did have frog spawn but it disappeared so not sure what happened to it;  we even put a guardian cage around it !     Got butterflies turning up as it's been sunny recently and I'm sure I saw a dragonfly/damsel around although I couldn't relocate it.     Although the pond water looks clear we have a load of beech tree "husks" which are constantly falling into it as the new leaves form and the Cyrils who are constantly hungry since I stopped putting too much food on the ground are nipping off the new leaf buds and twigs as they mutter to themselves up in the tree tops - no doubt cursing me    lol        Birdwise, it's wonderful each morning to be surrounded by 6, 7, 8 birds, mainly GT's following us everywhere and especially to the garage where the mealworms are kept -   they are like a swarm of bees waiting, hovering and buzzing round our ears until we place the dish down  -   it's wonderful  !!! 


    Regards, Hazel