Still waiting for our Swifts to return to Sunderland (22 years running), has anyone got theirs back yet further south :)
Ours are not due back until mid May, had some nice weather recently so maybe speed their return North :)
I think the winds are going to be southerly-ish over the weekend - so that should help. Unless they've decided to join that cuckoo in France for a short holiday.........
Still not back............
Modern swifts, eh? What are they like?!
Mine were back this morning - south wales. So so good to see and hear them again. Was out and about a lot yesterday and only saw one all day, so think they must have returned overnight.
Now just need to track down their nest sites and try to help keep them!
Am beside myself & having celebratory drink.They are returning.First one came in a couple of hours ago.I waited until there were two. 2 = a good chance of a future :-) Will take better snaps when its light & there`s more of them but am just so pleased&relieved to greet them on their return.
Yep.And I can see 2 wives.
lucky you no swifts here yet so do not think i will get any this year
are they nesting in your house?
we had a big family bbq today and i think it was fledgling day!
we had baby starlings/ robins/ 3 little sparrows/and just 1 little blackbird finding its wings around the house who landed on the parasol while we were eating
it was just an amazing sight!
Do you think my house boarded up - Marion? lol...Have 2 b sober to catch em.
Great they're back EB! Where abouts (roughly) are you? Think they work their way up the country, so if you're a bit north of South Wales, it would make sense that they appeared a bit later at your's. Please do post pix! You're so lucky to have them nesting - I'm envious. Is it just one pair usually?
And MarionS - they may yet turn up! Fingers crossed.
Three just spotted (and heard) in Stevenage.
Edit - make that five! Feeding over Fairlands Park.