Waxwing Invasion Continues in The Northeast.

Not as many birds compaired in the area compaired to several weeks ago.

But there's still a few small flocks about if you know where to look.

The birds are now feeding on Rose Hips after they have wiped out all of the Rowans, Coteanaster and Hawthorn berries.


Hopefully everyone has managed to catch a glimpse of these stunning birds?

Regards Buzzard

Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Hi buzzard

       Still getting good photos.

      I still think there could be a food shortage the way they are clearing all the berries etc



             a good laugh is better than a tonic

  • Unknown said:

    Hi buzzard

       Still getting good photos.

      I still think there could be a food shortage the way they are clearing all the berries etc



    Thanks Ray,

    the berry trees in this area have been stripped by both the large numbers of Waxwings and Redwings during last month.

    Regards Buzz

    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Hi Buzzard

    wonderful & stunning photo's yet again,

    they are amazing looking birds,

    i still have not seen one this year, yet, there are still a few about here,

    i must get to see them soon.

    It's great to see you posting again Buzzard, we've missed you,


  • Now they are the best photos of waxwings I have seen, really beautiful Buzzard.

    No, I have not seen any :-((    Any sightings in west Cumbria recently?

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Still love seeing your waxwing photographs Buzzard. but still haven't seen one around here yet.

  • Thankyou eveyone for all the kind comments, Jane there has been numerous sightings in Cumbria. Not sure how close to you?

    They're moving upwards, downwards and across the country. The back end of next month will be key depending on the weather and wind directions as to when they head off back to Scandinavia.


    A few more pics from the vast collection.

    Regards Buzz


    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Thanks Buzzard. I know my sister saw a flock a few weeks ago, she is only about 15 miles away. I was ill then so couldn't go looking. I will try to get out and about more this week.

    Those photos are stunning, the colours are really beautiful. I am very jealous!


    Kind regards Jane.

  • Criky mr Buzzard did you use a telescope to get them KK

  • kitkat said:

    Criky mr Buzzard did you use a telescope to get them KK

    Hi KK, no just my mobile phone LoL.

    Ok! a small porky pie.

    The camera is an DSLR Olympus E500 and the lens is a 70-300mm. Quite bog standard and was within my price range. The key thing is field craft and knowing your subject, the last thing you want is to flush birds that are desperate to feed.

    As Waxwings come from some very remote areas of Scandinavia and Siberia, they have little or no fear of humans. So with a little patience and know how you can be within a few feet of them, or if you are lucky enough as those on the Fair Isles the birds will feed from the hand.

    Regards Buzz

    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Buzzard said:

    Hopefully everyone has managed to catch a glimpse of these stunning birds?


    *looks away*

    I've dipped out twice now. They surely don't exist!

    'Dip a dee dah, dip a dee ay, we're not seeing any birds to-day...'