It just doesn't get any better, I was visiting my parents house when I heard the trill of Waxwings from several metres away. The noise was unbelievable.
I looked over at some neighbouring trees and to my amazement I saw literally hundreds of them. It was a two minute journey to get a closer look with my camera in hand.
I arrived in a small cul-de-sac which has two dozen Mountain Ash Trees which were laiden with berries, I was then amazed at the amount of Waxwings; hundreds of them.
Again dozens of shots taken which I will add to.
Apologies to those who are still waiting to catch a glimpse.
Regards Buzzard
Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way
Buzzard said: It just doesn't get any better,
It just doesn't get any better,
Wow buzzard how true it doesn't get any better!! Fantastic photos love this pair esp the colous are brilliant!
I'm one waiting to see some but have been stuck in for the last week - could have something to do with snow!!
'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir.
Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!
Buzzard those are just stunning shots. They are beautiful.
Tiger Signature
Oh Buzzard! Those are absolutely awesome!
How fabulous that you saw them. What a treat! I have yet to see even one!
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Buzzard, absolutely superb. I hope you remembered that you were supposed to be visiting your parents.
Haha! Well done again Buzzard, but I'm beginning to think you've been rolling about in the old waxwingnip!!!
Love this set of photo's,
"dawn is mine, but I will share it, with whatever bird will wear it"
Thankyou everyone for your kind words.
I've been back today and again absolutely stunned at the amount of birds.
I got some extra special photo's of a coloured ringed bird.
I will upload the pics once I've gone through them.
Another batch including this bird which was colour ringed.
Dear Buzz
How do you do it??
I hope you weren't late for your mum's sunday lunch. You are still her little boy, you know!!
Pip x
Wow Buzzard what amazing photo`s and such brilliant colours,thanks for sharing again and keep them coming.
love life & live it
Great photos! Did you see this article in Birdguides about reporting sightings of the colour ringed birds, which were ringed in Orkney or Aberdeen.