Help with a bird song please

I keep hearing a bird nearby that sounds like a squeak, the kind of sound a squeaky wheelbarrow or a swing makes. Any ideas please?

  • Hi wickenwoman - could it be a Goldcrest? - the audio file is on here

    of course being so small and fast moving it's not always easy to spot!

  • All sorts of birds can make sounds like that which are often just contact calls. If your camera can take videos you could record the sound on that even if you can't see it and post it on here. We can then listen to it and someone may be able to ID it.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Lots of birds can sound "squeaky" ( bullfinches,coal tits etc) when making contact,as TJ says.The most famous (double squeak) being a Great Tit....They`ve been at it all day,today :-)

  • Hi Edgbander, sorry to hi-jack the thread but please could you tell me how to post an audio file? There's no audio option available on the 'rich formatting' menu! Thanks.

  • Treat them as if they were pictures....Which they are to me  :-)

  • Cheers for that edgebander, great tip. ;-)

  • I think Edgebander may be right,Great Tit.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • I will try to catch it's call next time I hear it. Not a Great Tit, this is just a single squeak. I wonder if it might be a blackbird (is it them who are capable of mimicry?)

  • Starlings are brilliant mimics ...I have heard them make noises like 'trim' phones and when I lived in town 2 used to make either siren like sounds or car alarm noises.  Jays make an a irritating screech

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J

  • Hi Wickenwoman saw a robin today making a single long drawn out 'peep' or 'seehp' call? Sorry I'm terrible with birdsong lol. Germain it must have really confusing when they mimicked noises like that :-)