White Mallards?

I have just returned from a walk by the river where we saw 2 white ducks. They were swimming happily  with normal looking mallards. They were completely white with yellow/orange bills, but otherwise looked like the other mallards. One was with a group on the side of the river nearest us, the other was with another group on the far side. The river is probably more than 50 or 60 feet wide, and we are talking rural not urban. We take this walk almost every day and I have never seen them before. I did notice yesterday a strange looking mallard with a drake. She was there again today. She is mottled brown/white. She seems to be paired up with the drake.

In many years walking by this river I have only ever seen mallard ducks.

Are these escaped farmyard ducks, or could they be leucistic?

Cheers, Linda.

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